FDA-approved - перевод на Английский
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FDA-approved - перевод на Английский

Approved schools; Approved School
  • Accommodation blocks near [[Dobroyd Castle]], used when it was an approved school.
  • St. Peter's School in [[County Durham]], which was converted to an approved school after the Second World War.

(adj.) = autorizado por la FDA, aprobado por la FDA
Ex: The powerful search and display capabilities of this CD-ROM permit rapid and user-friendly access to the full text of FDA-approved information on more than 2,700 products.
Approved (disambiguation)
(adj.) = admitido, aceptado, autorizado
Ex: Most of this software takes the form of content filtering software, but there are some applications that are based on the idea of 'selection" of approved Web sites.
* approved heading = encabezamiento admitido
* approved school = correccional, reformatorio
* company-approved = autorizado por la compañía
* FDA-approved = autorizado por la FDA, aprobado por la FDA
* non-approved heading = encabezamiento no admitido
* unapproved = no autorizado, prohibido, restringido
approved school         
(n.) = correccional, reformatorio
Ex: Tests have shown that introverts are not underrepresented among delinquents attending approved schools.


An approved method or course of action is officially accepted as appropriate in a particular situation.
The approved method of cleaning is industrial sand-blasting.
ADJ: usu ADJ n


Approved school

An approved school was a type of residential institution in the United Kingdom to which young people could be sent by a court, usually for committing offences but sometimes because they were deemed to be beyond parental control. They were modelled on ordinary boarding schools, from which it was relatively easy to leave without permission. This set approved schools apart from borstals, a tougher and more enclosed kind of youth prison.

The term came into general use in 1933 when approved schools were created out of the earlier "industrial" and earlier "reformatory" schools. Following the Children and Young Persons Act 1969, they were replaced by Community Homes, with responsibility devolved to local councils; in Singapore, which by then was no longer under British rule, the term approved schools continued to exist.

Примеры произношения для FDA-approved
1. that are FDA approved,
2. an FDA-approved cure.
Jaykumar Menon _ Open Source Pharma and Respiratory Pandemics _ Talks at Google
3. which is FDA approved.
4. Well, it's FDA approved.
Replenish, The New Economy _ Dr Tia Kansara Hon Friba _ Talks at Google
5. It's not FDA-approved.
How to Create a Mind _ Ray Kurzweil _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для FDA-approved
1. The previous FDA–approved label mentioned "seizure and confusion" in some patients.
2. The two legislators want the Government Accountability Office to review how the FDA approved the pill.
3. FDA–approved antiseptic liquid or foam hand cleansers also are effective, he said.
4. In 2002, the FDA approved single–ingredient versions of the medications, sold as Mucinex and Humibid.
5. One year later, the FDA approved drugs known as protease inhibitors that helped stop the replication of the virus.